Rhetoric LLC is hiring bloggers to equip Christians to communicate excellently with wisdom and eloquence in order to glorify God and further His Kingdom. If you are: committed to Christ, passionate about helping Christian in communications, and a strong writer, we would love for you to apply. More details on our blogger and blog editor positions are below.

Job Title: Blogger

Application Form: https://forms.gle/qKYfK2zF6TRb6bEQA 

Responsibilities: To write high quality blog posts to improve readers communications skills. Applicants must be willing to work with our editors to write top quality blog posts and meet deadlines.

Qualifications: Rhetoric LLC is first and foremost a company that exists to glorify God and further His Kingdom, and we are doing that through training Christian orators. Thus our entire team is to be entirely committed to Christ. In order to work for our company, you will need to wholeheartedly affirm our statement of faith. If you are not a Christian or cannot affirm our statement of faith, we ask that you please not apply. Speech and/or debate experience is required. You must also be a strong writer. No past paid writing experience is required, but your writing ability will be evaluated prior to acceptance.

Compensation: This position is unpaid, however, it is an excellent way to gain writing experience. Further, bloggers receive free coaching from our staff. We will also give letters of recommendation to bloggers.

Performance will be measured based on the quality of work submitted. The best bloggers may receive a small amount of monetary compensation.