Rhetoric LLC Sourcebooks



Debaters are looking for Sourcebooks that actually equip them for debate and improve their skills. We’re rebuilding the process for writing Sourcebooks from the ground up.


In everything we do, we are committed to the highest ethical standards. Our sourcebooks are equivalent in quality to the personal materials of top debaters.

Our sourcebooks will equip you for excellence in debate—and beyond.


Not just cases and briefs. Our sourcebooks also include lectures, videos of debates using the current resolution, and videos of discussions on the topic.


What’s in our Sourcebook?

  • The Team Policy sourcebook includes:

    -23 extensive GEN briefs, so that you can be prepared against any case

    -2 Affirmative cases complete with comprehensive backup briefs

    -2 Negative briefs with strategies against the included affirmative cases

    -An extensive Topicality Brief

    -2 articles written by an MBA graduate discussing economic and business issues and the resolution

    -Video lectures and a demonstration round

    Table of Contents

    1AC: 1,500 Hour Rule

    1AC: Gas Tax

    AFF Backup: 1,500 Hour Rule

    AFF Backup: Gas Tax

    NEG: 1,500 Hour Rule

    NEG: Gas Tax

    GEN: Aerospace Subsidies (CON)

    GEN: Aviation Safety (CON)

    GEN: Aviation Safety (PRO)

    GEN: Case List

    GEN: Climate Change (CON)

    GEN: Climate Change (PRO)

    GEN: Common Source Critiques (with “Full Copy of ‘Storks Deliver Babies’”)

    GEN: Domestic Trucking Industry (CON)

    GEN: Domestic Trucking Industry (PRO)

    GEN: DOT Agencies: Part 1: Infrastructure and Public Transit

    GEN: DOT Agencies: Part 2: Ground

    GEN: DOT Agencies: Part 3: Air

    GEN: DOT Agencies: Part 4: Water

    GEN: Efficiency over Security

    GEN: Equity (CON)

    GEN: Equity (PRO)

    GEN: National Highway System (CON)

    GEN: National Highway System (PRO)

    GEN: Regulations (CON)

    GEN: Regulations (PRO)

    GEN: Security over Efficiency

    GEN: Space (CON)

    GEN: Space (PRO)

    GEN: Topicality

    Introduction to the Politics of the DoT

  • The Lincoln Douglas sourcebook includes:

    -3 Fully developed affirmative cases

    -3 Fully developed negative cases

    -An extensive definitions brief

    -An extensive quotes brief

    -An extensive applications brief

    -A brief full of numerous (29) case ideas, values, arguments, and strategies

    -6 comprehensive academic paper and book summaries and reviews, describing important works related to the resolution

    -3 recorded LD debate rounds using each of the included cases

    -Recorded lectures explaining key historical context, figures, and developments in the history of philosophy, as well as providing guidance on how to approach the resolution from a Christian worldview

    Full Table of Contents

    GEN: Values

    Academic Paper Review: Rationalism and Empiricism: Will the Debate Never End? – Reviewing a Modern Analysis of the Timeless Debate

    Academic Paper Review: Anselm’s Proslogion

    Academic Paper Review: An Academic History of the Resolution

    Academic Paper Review: Bacon’s Novum Organum

    Academic Paper Review: Descartes’ Meditations

    Academic Paper Review: Plato’s Meno

    AFF: Morality

    AFF: Truth

    AFF: Virtue

    NEG: Aristotelian Empiricism

    NEG: Justificatory Empiricism

    NEG: Revelation

    GEN: Definitions

    GEN: Applications

    GEN: Quotes

  • We love working with local clubs and to bring our prices down! If you’re in a club that’s looking to get a club discount on their sourcebook order, make sure to contact us at info@rhetoricllc.com, we’re happy to offer you a bulk discount!

Order the Sourcebook!

A Proven Track Record

Our expert team crafts top quality briefs and cases. Check out a few free samples excerpted from last years sourcebook!

We are continuing to innovate and improve, and have even expanded our team. This year’s sourcebooks will be even better!

  • "My mind was completely blown... I used something from Rhetoric in 95% of my rounds this year, and it didn’t let me down... If I could choose just one sourcebook to get next year I have no doubt in my mind that Rhetoric is my top pick."

    —Hudson, NCFCA TP

  • This sourcebook is awesome! It is a massive treasure trove of research with excellent logic, cases, and general briefs on everything you could wish for. It is a superb starting point for the resolution this year!

    Cooper, NCFCA LD

  • [The] Sourcebooks are written like no other sourcebooks out there [...] 10/10 highly recommend.

    Isaiah, NCFCA TP

  • Very diverse, covering lots of ground for learning. Great discussion topics, philosophy and creative values!

    Finn, NCFCA LD

  • The Rhetoric Sourcebook is way more useful throughout the season than other sourcebooks because of the generic briefs that apply to much more.

    -Erik, NCFCA TP

  • I absolutely LOVE the Rhetoric LLC Sourcebook! I have had other sourcebooks in the past, but this sourcebook was more helpful and it was less money.

    -Micaiah, NCFCA TP

Learn more about our sourcebooks!