Rhetoric LLC is hiring top researchers to help equip debaters to improve their debate skills through producing excellent sourcebooks. If you are: committed to Christ, a strong researcher, and willing to work hard, we would love for you to apply. More details on our sourcebook writer and sourcebook editor positions are below.

Job Title: Sourcebook Writer

Application Form: https://forms.gle/3pTuP1g7AEGAY85K7 

Responsibilities: To research and write high quality debate briefs and cases to prepare customers for competition. Some sourcebook writers may be asked to compete in filmed practice rounds to provide examples of high quality debates. Applicants must be willing to work with our team to write top quality material and meet deadlines.

Qualifications: Rhetoric LLC is first and foremost a company that exists to glorify God and further His Kingdom. We are doing that through training Christian orators. Thus our entire team is to be fully committed to Christ. In order to work for our company, you will need to wholeheartedly affirm our statement of faith. If you are not a Christian or cannot affirm our statement of faith, we ask that you please not apply. Debate experience with success in competition is required. You must be a strong researcher and writer to work in this position. No past paid writing experience is required, but your writing ability will be evaluated prior to acceptance. 

Compensation will be provided for writers as a percentage of revenue from the sale of the sourcebook. Compensation will vary among writers depending on their contribution to the sourcebook. This is to motivate high quality work, which will lead to more sourcebook sales, which will lead to higher compensation.

Additional benefits include free coaching from our staff.

Performance will be measured based on the quality of work submitted. We will reserve a portion of sourcebook sales revenue to distribute to writers who go above and beyond our high-quality standards.

Job Title: TP Sourcebook Editor

Application Form. https://forms.gle/wthxobnHpr6FXTi8A 

Responsibilities: To direct a team of researchers and writers and to edit their work, ensuring it meets rigorous quality standards.

Required Qualifications: Rhetoric LLC is first and foremost a company that exists to glorify God and further His Kingdom. We are doing that through training Christian orators. Thus our entire team is to be fully committed to Christ. In order to work for our company, you will also need to wholeheartedly affirm our statement of faith. If you are not a Christian or cannot affirm our statement of faith, we ask that you please not apply. Debate experience with success in competition is required. You must be a strong researcher and writer to work in this position. No past paid writing experience is required, but your writing ability will be evaluated prior to acceptance. Editing and leadership ability is also required.

Preferred Qualifications: We prefer that you have some experience either editing for a team of researchers in your club, running a debate prep group, or working with a sourcebook team for this position, but it is not required. Other kinds of leadership or editing experience are similarly preferred, but not necessarily required.

Compensation will be provided for editors as a portion of the revenue from the sale of the sourcebook. This is to motivate high quality work, which will lead to more sourcebook sales, which will lead to higher compensation.

Benefits: Additional benefits include free coaching from our staff.

Performance for this position will be measured in a variety of ways, including the CEO directly observing your work, reports from the writers working under you, and the quality of the final sourcebook. Excellent performance will be rewarded with additional compensation; substandard performance will result in corrective feedback and potentially termination.