Counterplans 101 Part 6– Should I Run a Counterplan?
Josiah Hemp & Luke Pollock Josiah Hemp & Luke Pollock

Counterplans 101 Part 6– Should I Run a Counterplan?

In this last post in our series on counterplans, we want to share our overall advice on counterplans.

“Counterplans can be a fantastic strategy, but only work in rare situations. Don’t get too excited about counterplans and run them all the time. Also don’t avoid running them at all costs.”

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A Coach and Debater’s Manifesto: The Truth
Josiah Hemp Josiah Hemp

A Coach and Debater’s Manifesto: The Truth

What is the foundation of debate?

“That’s why the foundation of debate is the truth, and why I start there in building any theory of how debate ought to work.”

“I’m not interested in creating sophists who have cultivated their skills, learned more about the world, and have no grounding in the truth. I’m here to train Christians grounded in the truth to go out and defend it with excellence, both in highschool debate and in the rest of their lives.”

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Counterplans 101 Part 1 – Types of Counterplans
Josiah Hemp & Luke Pollock Josiah Hemp & Luke Pollock

Counterplans 101 Part 1 – Types of Counterplans

"If you can defend, counter-attack and take the initiative then you become a more dangerous player.” - Jo Durie, No.5 Tennis Player in the United Kingdom.

Our series on counterplans begins!

There are many kinds of counterplans. Today we will talk about two of them.

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Thinking Topically
John Weaver John Weaver

Thinking Topically

Hamilton Jordan served as Chief of Staff for President Jimmy Carter from 1979 to 1980. While Jordan was working, he was not around to make decisions for the EU or Australia. Hamilton Jordan was present to work on pressing issues. Similarly, the debaters inside of a debate room aren’t there to discuss things outside of the resolution. Oftentimes, debaters may choose to run a case that is not the most topical. In those times, you should run topicality against that case. If you find yourself wondering how to run a topicality argument, I have the perfect strategy for you

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Purpose of Evidence
Charlee Amason Charlee Amason

Purpose of Evidence

If evidence is a tool, then use it correctly and you'll find it to be more efficient and more effective than you have before. Keep this in mind when looking for and using evidence.

Better is a poor man who walks with his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways. Proverbs 28:6. Translated in the NCFCA understanding of it - “better is a man of few medals who walks in his integrity than a rich man with trophies who is crooked in his ways.”

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Stop Choosing the Wrong Aff
John Weaver John Weaver

Stop Choosing the Wrong Aff

Last year, I often made the flex to my friends that I wrote my case on the first day that resolutions came out. I thought I had deciphered the code that had led to an extraordinary case. However, I soon learned that my “extraordinary case” wasn’t so extraordinary. The affirmative case constitutes a crucial part of the team policy debate. But does everyone understand how to select and develop an excellent case?

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Stop Trying
John Weaver John Weaver

Stop Trying

The key to speaking more conversationally is to stop trying.

Learn more about how to speak conversationally through this blog post.

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