Extemp Club

Learn how to analyze the news, research efficiently and effectively, and present compelling speeches. Discuss current events with other students and top coaches. Analyze the chaos of the world from a biblical worldview.

Christ-Centered Analysis of Our Fallen World.

Learn to understand our world

Learn how to approach Extemp from champions. Analyze and discuss current events with other students and top coaches. Discuss history, economics, politics, worldview, and how it all interacts with the news. Learn from coaches who are going into the journalism field.

Don’t just prepare for Extemp tournaments—prepare to understand current events for life!

Registration for club also includes free membership on our Extemp Genie team ($30 in value!) with dozens of custom sources.

Extemp Club
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 Extemp Club meets on Thursday 7-8 PM Eastern, from October 20th through April 13th (with breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas).

Minimum number of students: 8

Learn from Extemp Champions


Josiah Hemp

Josiah Hemp, CEO & Head Coach of Rhetoric LLC, competed in Extemp for several years and won the Region 9 Championship in Extemp. He will be studying Journalism at Patrick Henry College in the fall.

Josiah is passionate about helping his students understand the world and current events and communicating their analysis clearly and persuasively.

Luke Pollock

Region 7 Extemp Champion and seasoned Extemper Luke Pollock hopes to become a news anchor. He will study Communications as an honors student at the University of Alabama in the fall.

Luke loves learning about every type of policy and country in Extemp, and is excited to teach how to understand and share news analysis.


Read our blog posts about Extemp!


Questions about Extemp Club? We’re happy to answer!